Category Religion

Peter King’s Neo-HUAC: It’s About the Method, Not the Subject

Bill Bennett and the National Review rush to the defense of embattled congressman Peter King (R-NY), whose circus-show hearings, held for no other reason than to spotlight the problem of homegrown terrorism, began yesterday (albeit with some helpful pushback): If one community is engaging in terrorism “at a greater rate” than the rest of the […]

The National Review Turns the Other Cheek

Looking at Peter King (R-NY)’s pending congressional witch-hunt against American Muslims, the National Review asks and answers this important question: “Why should we beat up on Muslims in America?” Well, because Egyptian Muslims beat up on Christians. Well, there’s something to be said for candor.

Why Creationism Matters

As of this writing, only one of the Republican frontrunners for the presidential nomination — Mitt Romney — is not a creationist. Granted, the 2012 Republican field is currently limited to just the usual suspects (2008 also-rans like Mike Huckabee), Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin, but still, something to consider. Against this background, HotAir attempts to argue, by necessity […]

Two Vignettes on Abortion: Minimizing Dredd Scott, Moral Doubt, and Moderation

With apologies for delayed posting… It should come as no surprise that I’m not a particular fan of Rick Santorum (R-Nothing), one of the first and worst offenders of the nastiest era of the latest culture wars. Here’s Santorum’s latest spin on abortion: The question is, and this is what Barack Obama didn’t want to […]

Vacating the Moral High Ground

Today in America, members of the religious right continuously whine about the “persecution” of Christianity, i.e., its inability to dominate moral discourse in a pluralistic society; and use the intolerance of Islamic radicals to justify their own intolerance of all Muslims, everywhere. Meanwhile, in Egypt, Coptic Christians are dying, and Egyptian Muslims “flock” to their churches […]

The New York Times is Basically Socialist

From their Christmas Eve header: “Remember the neediest”?! What is this, Communist Russia? I hardly think Jesus would approve. Happy Christmas to all :).

Glenn Beck’s Christmas Paean to the Constitution

WordPress won’t let me embed the video, and thank God; I’d rather not profane our pages, anyways. But please don’t miss this video of his, describing, four days before Christmas, the “birth of the Constitution.” The timing and phrasing of it all suggests a not-so-subtle dog whistle to devotees of obscure quasi-historian Cleon Skousen, Beck’s […]

Islamic Radicalization: Appropriate Fields and Manners of Inquiry

Representative Peter King (R-NY), soon to accede to a leadership role with the Homeland Security Committee in the Republican controlled House of Representatives (God help us), pens the following describing his plans to use the House’s investigatory powers: The great majority of Muslims in our country are hardworking, dedicated Americans. Yet a Pew Poll showed […]

The Century in Literary Trends

Google’s Book Ngram viewer tracks the relative popularity of English words over the last century. Some that might interest you: Jesus: peak 1930s, trough 1940-60, ascendant. Islam: peak 1975-78, steady increase 1990-2008. Deficit: peak 1989-91, steady decrease since. Reagan: steady modest plateau for his presidency, decrease 1990-98, almost logarthmic exponential gain since 2000. Racism:  climb […]

Dispelling the Myth that Pro-Choice Activists Minimize Adoption

From my friend’s popular anti-“crisis pregnancy center” website: Adoption can be a positive choice for women and couples facing unplanned pregnancies.  Depending on the kind of adoption, you may have ways to remain in contact with your child as she/he grows up.  “Open adoptions” can be very empowering for women; in an ideal situation you […]